
Bad Seller, No Karma Cookie For You!

So yeah, the seller is totally within their rights. But it is a bummer to see the Free RPG Day Punjar going for $30 $41.00.  That's more than the price of a core book, and this gaz. is only 16 pages long.

Alert to Buyers: If you can hold out to Gen Con, there might be a chance to copies for free!



You Know You've Arrived ...
When you have a
cover you're afraid to show the wife.

Ah, fantasy women in armor. A trope that will never die ... even if some fantasy women do. ;)

On a serious note, the artist is THE Clyde Caldwell. Wow. Consider this author stunned into fanboy silence. You can pick this one up at Gen Con. 



Free RPG Day ...

... is tomorrow. Head out to your favorite local game store and pick up some
DCC goodness.

The Punjar project was one of my favorites in recent memory. This is just a glimpse, but it offers a peak into what we have planned for the 4E DCCs and the world of Áereth.



Flashback: Overkill
There was a lawn-sized cake, thousands of candles, and I took my security role very seriously. (That's actually a cake at my foot. Vanquished cake, I should say.)

C'mon. Tell me you wouldn't want your daughter to date this man. 

Manage your soldiers, Khan.
4E hits the streets yesterday, and today half of Goodman Games East is playing AD&D Tomb of Horrors. 

Love 'em.

Old school. None can resist her siren song. 



La Marca del Este
My friends and yours, the good folks of La Marca del Este, play a *lot* of games. So when they write that they like something, it carries a lot of weight for me. 

Plus, they have a sweet skull logo. 

While they've reviewed DCC World in the past, they took the time recently to do a photo review, which they posted to their blog, here.

Many thanks to my Deathy Friends!
