
From the folks at Goodman Games...

Last Call for 3.5!

On December 31, Goodman Games will stop selling its 3.5 products. This is the last call.

Visit our online store to purchase what is left of our PRINT 3.5 product at 50% off. You can find the online store at

For the rest of December, you can also visit our PDF store to purchase 3.5 PDF e-books at $2 each. Remember – after December 31, they’re gone forever! You can find the PDF store at



Shine on Me

Well, I wouldn't call it content, but I know the Saurus will appreciate it. At least it made me pee my pants.

It is tough to name my favorite part of this fantasy epic, but here are two contenders:

-1:33. When they are riding through the snowy forest on a sleigh, you get a 2 second glimpse of Chris ... and man, that dude is jazzed to be riding a blue screen sleigh.

-When you, the viewer sit back a think wow, we're finally reached the dramatic finale ... and look to the scroll bar to realize you are only half way done with the song.

-Guitar Hero III inspired air guitar, termed "massive" by the artist. Massive indeed.

Youtube doesn't really do it justice. Go here for all of Shine's true glory. 

And yes, this is part 1 of 3. 

Shine on, you crazy diamond.



Been A Long Time ...

Gah. A month+ between posts? Lame. I need to focus on keeping this thing current. But first I need to get caught on the deadline that won't die.

So ... if you're reading this, thank you for dropping in, even when I haven't been updating. Something of substance in the next week for sure. Till then check out Jeff's blog or Goodman Games' coming soon page for a look at all the great stuff we've been working on.

Along those lines, the Dragonborn book is out on PDF and should be in stores very soon. I had a lot of fun with this one, which is really thanks to Alex, but that's a much longer story than I have time for today. 

So, till then, counting down the days to seeing Saurus and the 'Nobi*, plus maybe looking for to some skating. Colorado winter, don't let me down!


*Sounds like a road trip movie to me, involving monkeys most likely.