It seemed appropriate that this Halloween have a writing theme. A few minutes with the shaver to accentuate my impending baldness and Harley was Hunter.
Hunter went dancing at the local Thai restaurant, so you all know how that went. If any pictures surface I'll post them for your amusement.
A few minutes with the shaver to accenuate your immenient baldness?!?
That's dedication right there...
I'm glad I remembered to mail those sun-glasses back! Love the shirt, too.
Also...I appreciate that you are embracing the bald. Come to the hairless side, my friend. Come.
Very nice, Harl.
I'll have to remember to use that one.
"...bald-heads are not something to rub for luck."
LOL! Little round Buddha tummies, on the other hand... ;)
There are worse fates. :)
and here i wore my monkey paws for halloween and went as a masturbater. for all the hair you lose, i gain!
seeing as this is the hip place to be (and completely off topic...)
the bookstore made me pick out a fifth book for free, so because it was the biggest book in the store, i grabbed 'the system of the world'
that one.
anyone want it? first one to respond gets a book for christmas...
That sounds like a neat book. You're not going to keep it?
Doh! Ed gets a free book.
And it should be a good one....heh. Saurus Christmas Extravaganza! Suddenly Choose Death Readership goes up :)
heh. alrighty ed-ster, she be all yers. toss me a line at saurus at saurus-studios dot com. or drop it to grimmy and he'll get it to me. i'll toss it in the mail monday or tuesday or wednesday or thursday or friday or saturday.
they may have more at the book warehouse if anyone else wants one.
i dunno - it's really big though. let's see, opening it now, it has a nice map of london on the inside cover. been there, been there, that was where the tube station was, been there, there was a good pub. continuing. first edition, printed on acid-free paper, isbn 0-06-052387-5
04 05 06 07 08 wbc/rrd 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
never understood why they always counted in books..
to mildred
mildred is a good name to use if you don't know the name of the chick. and then you can say at a party 'good news! mildred isn't pregnant!' and everyone will congratulate you for not contibuting to the soylent green epidemic.
that's the story of my life man...
i think 'skittles' would be a good name for a hippy love child.
Skittles. :)
That's a keeper.
"never understood why they always counted in books.."
The numbers have to do with the print run.
i always thought it was a countdown until the book started. like 'hey! quick look! someone is reading this page! lets give them some fun! alright kid, here we go - the book is about to start - are you ready?? 10....9....'
"Peter Archer wuz HERE!"
~Tankgirl wuz also here
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