Chalk it up to another unexpected experience made possible by this little gaming thing.
Anyhow, I’ll be down in Denver for the weekend, running previews of Goodman Games’ Free RPG Day Dungeon Crawl Classic. The DCC will be released under the 4E rules in June, but I’ll be running the 3.5 version at Genghis, due to NDAs and what not. If you’re planning on attending and want a peek at what we have in store, sign up for one of the “Maze of the Oracle” events.
With Gen Con looming on the horizon, folks can be forgiven for forgetting about all the smaller cons between now and August. But the upshot of smaller cons (and nearly every gaming con is smaller than Gen Con) is that they offer a much more personal experience. Whereas it is easy to get lost in the crowd of 30,000 gamers at Gen Con, the smaller, local cons offer the chance to actually hang out with folks in a more relaxed atmosphere.
My hope is to make Genghis part of my annual con calendar, making a habit of offering up sneak previews/early releases to my fellow Coloradoans. After all you only have one “first.”
Effing fantastic.
Congratulations, my friend. Like it or not, you're becoming a 'name' in the industry ... and I think that's a very good thing. :)
Let us know how everything turns out!
Naw. As per the blue book, I need a bit more experience before getting to "name level." ;)
It is fun though, to support local events. The Colorado community is so scattered that we need to take extra pains to see our friends.
Yeah, this is cool. Harley, you're more of a gamer household name more than you know (or admit).
You've already got a list going of these convention visits. Keep it going!
Congratulations, Harley! That is indeed so cool and you deserve every bit of it. If they think you're worth making a fuss over, don't argue with them! Just let them fuss without putting yourself down - you're the "big DCC developer," and they don't want to hear that you're not really as important as they think you are. ;) You can pay them back by being your own sweet self, and then when you go home they'll say, "That Harley, he was so nice, why he..."
This is the third year that we've talked about getting to Genghis Con and haven't done it. For some reason this is always a bad time of year for us, and Denver's a long way from here in February. Maybe we'll make it there next year, though. After all, if they're going to have you for a special guest, that's worth some extra effort! ;)
I remember those days back in 007 when we gazed wistfully upon the Genghis Con fliers... progress, my friend. Progress.
What are you doing May 22? :)
I'd love to hook up with you guys in Denver ... weather permitting. :)
Rock on H. Sorry I've been absent from the reading for a long time (busy busy lazy lazy). And thread jumping from a previous post - Glad to hear you're still keeping up your legend of being 11 on the slopes as well. Sorry to hear it keeps kicking your ass though. ;)
"Just let them fuss without putting yourself down - you're the "big DCC developer," and they don't want to hear that you're not really as important as they think you are. ;) You can pay them back by being your own sweet self, and then when you go home they'll say, 'That Harley, he was so nice, why he...'"
Cass, this is wonderful advice.
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