
How Not to Be a Guest of Honor

So the good folks of Tacticon were kind enough to have me down for the weekend as their guest of honor. I get to show up, run some playtests of the DCC RPG and hang out with awesome folks. H is away in Cali for a friend's wedding, so hanging out in Denver and playing RPGs is pretty good deal all things being equal.

Of course, all things aren't equal.

As I was trying to make it out of the house this morning (water the tomatoes, pack the gaming materials, get the contract off to Joseph, make sure the wife knows I love her) somehow I forgot the duffel containing all those non-gaming essentials: clothes, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste. But I didn't realize that until around 9:30 PM after dropping H off at the airport.

Damn. Suddenly I'm 8 hours away from becoming the stereotype of The Gamer.

I don't know south Denver, so I struck out blindly, pointing the car towards the brightest strip of lights, knowing full well that any real store was certainly closed. But there, what should I behold, but Wal-Mart.

Reviled Wal-Mart, how many times have I mocked thee? And now I am at your 24-hour mercy.

Thirty minutes later I was outfitted with new underwear, socks, toiletries, a pair of jeans, 2 shirts and a 12 pack of gatoraide. A brother was ready to roll.

But what about my hypocrisy? I'm indebted to Sam Walton and his family. Otherwise I'd be hand washing a dress shirt with the free shampoo they leave in your room, hoping that if it drip dried over the course of the night, I might be able iron it into semi-dryness by my first game at 9:am.

So yes, you've won this round, Sam. How we will reconcile this debt remains to be seen. Until then, thanks for the toothpaste.



Unknown said...

Thanks for running some great games this con. With only one character death this con I feel pretty lucky. See you next time.

willopotomus rex said...

*raises hand*

First time I went to London I realized upon landing that I forgot to pack more than two pairs of underwear. There I am at 2am in one of the most expensive cities in the world, washing my granimals in the bathroom sink.

Jennifer Newell said...

1) I have no words for the imagery I have just experienced through Will's post. Wait a second... no. Those weren't words.

2) I am also indebted to this monstrosity Sam Walton left behind. I'm sure he never intended it to be as bad as it is now, but I was reallydumbf*ckbroke for a little while as I settled into life here in San Diego. Now that I'm gainfully employed and doing well, I don't have to go to Wally World - but I'm not going to forget that it supplied some of my essentials for a while there.

Hope you had fun!

willopotomus rex said...

aw yeah, chicks dig the granimals.

ChattyDM said...

Are you on Twitter yet? Long time no news friend!

Anonymous said...

Someone once told me: 'Life is too short not to be hypocritical.'