Original G.T documentation embedding for websites can be found here:
Important bits:
-The page needs to be HTTPS
-Some specific websites block being embedded in iframes. If it is blocked, the website administrator needs to change the permissions.
Unfortunately, DriveThruRPG works to block iframes. Same with Instagram and Facebook.
However, there is a simple work around to direct attendees to your offerings on DriveThruRPG:
1. You will need an https landing page. Blogger / blogspot will do, or a google doc, or your own website.
2. Select and post links to your products. Be sure that each link includes
target="_blank"This instructs the browser to open a new tab, outside of the Gather.Town frame, sending the viewer directly to your publisher page on DriveThruRPG.
If you are using Blogger/Blogspot, Google makes this easy. When you enter a link, a window will pop up, asking if you'd like the link to open a new page. Obviously: Yes!
A sample landing page for an artist or publisher might look something like this:
Thanks for stopping by our booth! Check out our con specials on DriveThru RPG!
Also be sure to check out my DCC Adventure, Doom of the Savage Kings.
The raw text code for the above can be found and copy/pasted from here:
Through the Gather.Town interface, the above post would look like this, with all of the links opening into new windows:
If you're feeling sassy you can host links to all your titles with thumbnails and brief descriptions. Maybe you take photos of your DCC RPG adventures in milkcrates to give it that thumbed-through record store feel. Whatever. You're smart and cool. You can make it work.
If this doesn't make sense for any reason, let me know and we can create a single simple post, here, that will direct folks to your offerings on DriveThru or site X. A little 3pp directory of sorts.