I attended
GenghisCon this weekend as a special guest of the Denver Gamers Association. The event doubled as the kickoff to the Goodman Games convention season, aka the
2013 World Tour. Huge shout out to
+Justin Suzuki ,
+Andy Collier and the rest of the DGA crew for throwing a seriously awesome event.
I ran three DCC games (playtests for future releases) Saturday and Sunday. Players got clever, I flipped them off (this is turning into a "thing") and intelligent play trumped devious design nearly every time. But that's par for the course; it wasn't until Sunday game that things got memorable.
Sunday morning games are usually your drop slot – when it is a 3-in-6 chance that no one shows and you get to go back to bed. But this morning's DCC gamers proved more determined than most and we sat 7 at a game intended for 6.
And guided by the light of Brother Leo and the twisted machinations of Manse the Black, the PCs dominated some DCC:
Child-demon-witches were slain; a universe egg was accidentally cracked opened; Mary the Barbarian killed the party's own wizard (later resurrected as a nascent god); a wicked army was routed by an incredibly determined barbarian, her lover and a thief; and the world's largest thaumaturgic circle succeeded in suckering away the PCs long enough for the bad guys to kidnap the slain-wizard-turned-godling.
BUT, just as victory was in the PCs' grasp, fate's fell hand played its trump card: the gaming convention fire alarm ...
Fire trucks showed up, guys with hoses ushered us out. Game over.
But this is where the smaller local con got to shine. Had we been at GenCon, it would have been lights out, thank you for your $5, please go to the next hotel. But not GenghisCon. No effing way. Instead we all grab our PCs, a fistful of dice and a battlemap and finish the game here:
Wendy's PC has now become a pillar of flame. She died. |
... on the frickin' lawn cause gamers are just that awesome. Game on.
+Doug Keester 's wizard, turned nascent god / blank moral slate takes the opportunity to indulge in the philosophy of "do what thou wilt", and decides that that is the whole of the law. The Wizard transformes Mary the Barbarian into a screaming pillar of fire, deep freezes Merrick the Gambler, scorches someone else (Brother Leo, maybe?) and was well on his way to becoming Master of the Universe, until he was tackled off the top of the ziggurat by Bob the Unknown Warrior, landing at the bottom with ONE HIT POINT, only to be felled by a well-placed dart, hurled by Brother Leo.
Cause yeah, we do this shit in our heads. And because gamers are awesome.
#DCCRPG #Genghiscon #DGA
Harley, this game was mighty fun! Sorry Edron had to run off and search for his daughter mid-combat. But I want to be sure he gets in the record for his key support during the battle; recall he blinded the giant and turned much of his already-mushy head into mush and set him up for Mary's fatal blow!
Game was a blast and you can be sure I'll be at your DCC table next year, the gods willing!
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