The short story Son of Flame, Son of Hak*, will be included in the Blackmoor softcover corebook. The first half of the story was released as a free download on the Zeitgeist Games website ; this will be the first time that the entire story is available in print.
It's also the first time my fiction has appeared in a book with an Elmore cover. Milestone, that one.
I'm expecting a rejection to come down the pike this week or the next. It was a closed call for a novel, so it will hurt a little more than the generic rejections I get all the time.
Whatever. Rejections build character. They're part of the unwritten contract we all agreed to when we decided to be writers.
The important part is to dispell any notion that Harley is a made man. It's easy for me to post a bunch of covers and pretend like the rejections don't keep coming, but that would be a disservice to the community. The fewer illusions the better.
For the record: I'm still a peon, I'm still a hack, I'm still crunching away, just like you.
And I'm loving it. :)
*This is officially my best title yet. I'm ping-bombing anyone who mentions ***** Chrome. >:)
Teague with the explosives baby!
Hey, don't feel too bad, Grimmy...at least you're getting invitation-only calls, which is a step above your average hack (like moi). ;)
An Elmore cover? Sweet! :D
And ditto what Marcy said.
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