
Cooler minds than my own.
So a lot to post today, but before I do, check this out.

One of the great things about RPG writing is that there are real people that take up your words and invest them with life. A writer provides the raw materials, but it is the gamers that are actually responsible for any magic that might arise. Case in point, Into the Wilds, an adventure I wrote for Goodman Games.

Mister Hook/None the Wiser, an architectural illustrator, took what I wrote and created these beauties:

The Town of Wildsgate

A view of the Spires

(See the rest, in full rendering, on the Goodman Forums).

Um --- Wow. That's a lot cooler than anything I've ever created.

And the amazing thing? I'm surrounded by amazing, talented folks doing the same thing. While Hook is turning out amazing renderings, TacoJon is working on another 1e conversion to follow up with his Iron Crypt success.

Humbling. Very humbling.

Anyhow, feel free to give Hook a shout out on the Goodman Forums , or check out his homepage at http://misterhook.net/.


1 comment:

Kameron said...

That is some amazing stuff.