She's Back
I'm delighted to announce that the next installment of the Witch Queen saga will be available at GenCon in first edition glory.
Goodman Games' first 1e release, Iron Crypt of the Heretics, was far more successful than we predicted, selling out in the first few hours of the connvention. I'm happy to say that this won't be the case for Saga. We're limiting sales to 2 per person, and (hopefully!) printing enough so that all the grognards who want one can get a copy. Some will even be for sale on the Goodman Games' site, just in case you can't make it to the con. Speculators be warned --- Iron Crypt is worth a ton because there were far too few printed; this likely won't be the case for Saga.
Pending the release of the 4th edition, all the new content in Saga will be converted to 3.5 for inclusion along with the final, dramatic finale. I've begun working on the last episode; with luck ink will be hitting paper sometime in the next couple months.